
Learn more about how I can support you with …


Internal Communications Consultant 

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Experience. Matters.

With more than 15 years’ experience in the communications field, I’ve provided internal communications counsel to organization leaders and implemented all-inclusive strategic communications plans for ad hoc assignments, M&As, annual programs, technology implementations, and enterprise transformation projects.

I’ve worked with top-tier organizations, including: Accenture, Allstate, Avanade, DSW, EY, Firemen’s Fund, Tesoro, United Airlines, and The University of Chicago, where I delivered outstanding results.

Whether your project requires just a few written messages or a comprehensive strategy, I’ll masterfully craft the deliverables you need to engage your employees and achieve your unique business objectives.

To learn more about my experience, please visit my CV.


I’ll analyze your current situation and business objectives to create an exclusive strategic plan suited to your organization’s communications needs. 


With proven expertise, I’ll develop leadership messages, toolkits, and communications campaigns that move your employees–emotionally and behaviorally–to achieve your goals.


I’ll implement and manage your communications strategy and associated plans, and will measure progress using leading practices to yield data-driven insights.